Two red lines are moving in opposite directions on a white background.
the logo for jeff foster bulk services is red and white .

This is the evolution of 25 years of relationships in the chemical industry with both shippers and suppliers. What started small with some dissolving of dry Optical Brightener Agents into liquid form in the year of 2018 has now evolved into 2 plants. One in Superior, WI and the other in Marlow, OK.

Our services include:

  • Simple dissolving of dry to liquid
  • Complex dry to liquid blends utilizing high sheer pumps
  • 2 6500 low pressure cookers at each location
  • Dry blending utilizing stainless steel ribbon blending
  • Dry packaging from pellet size down to the finest powders into supersacks down to 25kg bags
  • Liquid packaging into IBC totes
  • Full service tank wash facilities (OK open to the public)
  • IBC Tote washing


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